about me

Get to know me!


i am sometimes professional, most of the times i am notim at spawn, an upcoming software engineer (probably).I am above 18 and I love programming, and it has always been my passion. I have 0 hours of sleep because I do not sleep, I simply just close my eyes for about 2-4 hours (not healthy at all). Most of the times I close my eyes for 8 hours, which is impressive to most people.My dream has always been to become some sort of developer. I've been learning how to program for about 5 years now, and some time in the future my dream is to release some sort of game.

My personal life

My job
I have a job that pays me like $16 an hour I forgor:skull:
I love drawing and have participated in drawing contests in the past. I ended in 1st place about 2 times, mostly 2nd, 3rd or 4th place (I am not that experienced).
I used to be a cheerleader about a year ago for my high school before I graduated.
There are more things but maybe I'll add them in the future. Thank you for reading :)

That's all!

If you have any questions, you can let me know!

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